How to use a curtain as a room divider

room divider

If you live in a studio apartment, a house with spacious rooms or just want to room divider a large living space into zones, you will probably like the idea of easy and quick zoning with textile curtains.

If you think that the partition curtain is a new trend in interior design, you are very wrong. Even in peasant huts, and later in communal apartments, where large families lived in one room, this method of dividing the space into zones was used.

In many country and country houses textile curtains are still used as interior doors.

But even in a modern urban apartment, renovated according to the latest interior fashion, partition curtains will look appropriate and very effective.

Of course, they do not provide noise insulation, but they perform the zoning function perfectly and make the room more comfortable.

Another plus of this way of dividing the space is that, if the need for dividing the space disappears, the curtain can always be removed.

Where will we hang it?

A textile partition is a great solution in the following cases:

  • in a studio apartment, when it is necessary to hide the bed from prying eyes or to separate from the “adult” area the place for children’s games: then before the arrival of guests you will not even have to remove toys;
  • in the living room, if there is a need to equip an office or a sensory corner, where everyone in the family can relax and unwind;
  • in living-dining rooms, curtains are used to separate the TV and dining areas;
  • In the bedroom, to cover the bed from all sides. This will create a sense of security and intimacy;
  • in a one-room apartment – if you need to separate personal space for all members of a large family.
  • In addition, thick curtains can serve as doors in built-in closets-counter or closets.
room divider

Color and material

Of course, a partition curtain should fit perfectly into the interior and harmoniously complement it, and not draw unnecessary attention to itself. That is why such curtains are sewn from monochrome fabrics – they look stylish and noble, while multicolored will look garish in this case.

As for the material, then everything depends on the task that the curtain performs.

If it is destined to clearly delineate the space, we use dense curtain fabrics that do not let the light pass through.

If the zones need only to be marked, and the function of the curtains is rather decorative, then they are sewn from light translucent materials or use thread blinds.

As a rule, partition curtains are fixed on the usual ceiling ledges. The less prominent the curtain rod, the better, so it is better to choose a version without baguettes and in the same color scheme with the ceiling.

The fabric that serves as a door in the closet, pantry or closet can be hung on wooden or metal rings, which will move on the ledge of the same material.

It is important that the curtain slides easily and freely along the curtain track: its ease of use depends on it. The curtain should obediently move with a light movement of the hand.

Recommendations from the designers

  1. You don’t need to make the curtains intended for zoning the space heavier by means of lambrequins and unnecessary drapery.
  2. Ideally, the curtain should reach to the floor, but not lie on it, so the measurements before sewing need to be done very meticulously, literally to the millimeter. Keep in mind that some fabrics (linen, wool) give shrinkage after washing.
  3. It is very desirable (and in living rooms and studios – obligatory) that the curtain is double, i.e. both its sides are frontal, and the seams are hidden inside. Then the fabric partition will look aesthetically pleasing on both sides.
  4. Many people reject the idea of zoning the space with curtains because fabric collects dust.

But, agree, window curtains, bedspreads, covers on upholstered furniture and carpets are also “dust collectors”, but we don’t refuse to use them, we just wash and clean them in time.

We need to do the same with curtains-partitions – and there will be no “extra” dust in the house!

Categories: Bedroom Living room